Refund payments to your customers hassle-free
No need to manually gather customer information, make accounting entries, review lists, connect to the bank or create payment orders… Now you can initiate refunds with just a click using Neopay Automated Refunds. It's now available on a self-service or on your own system.
Simplify the refund process with automation
Simplify the refund process by automating it and benefit from:
An easier and faster process for refunding money to a customer
Less staff and less work involved in the refund process
Fewer administrative and manual tasks
Minimization of errors, since there’s no need to manually gather customer information, make accounting entries, review lists, connect to the bank or create payment orders
How it works
Activate Automated Refunds on the Neopay self-service portal or integrate them on your own system. Get the Refunds API integration description here.
Contact us
Contact us about setting up the service or support: [email protected] or [email protected].